Monday 27 September 2010

Another week, another crisis…

We all get that Monday morning feeling, but it’s much more intense when you’re beginning the week with a bout of crisis management. So, hats off to the communication teams at the following organisations who are doing exactly that right now:

Hyundai: automotive; product recall

BT: telecoms; allegedly at fault for an explosion which injured 11 people

British Gas: utility: unfair treatment of small businesses

South Korea Grand Prix: sports event; logistical problems

This posting marks day four of a 28 day campaign to highlight the scale and scope of issues and crises affecting all kinds of organisations every day. My objective is to illustrate that crises are not always as dramatic or high profile as those faced by Toyota and BP, but they are happening all the time and they are costing substantial amounts of time, money and reputational value. Being well prepared with a thorough crisis communication plan is the best way of minimising these costs – or maybe avoiding them altogether.