Thursday 14 March 2013

Poetic Licence

Interesting piece on the BBC website about Tesco's recent national advertising campaign post the breaking of the horsemeat crisis.

A promise to get to the bottom of the horsemeat issue has escalated into a promise to change Tesco's entire way of doing business, particularly about the way in which it treats farmers and other suppliers. This promise has been delivered in full page newspaper adverts that are written in such a way as to suggest they are in verse. Cue media coverage as to whether and how they are using poetry to make their case.

One commentator - and no friend of Tesco - says that by turning to blank verse, and block-booking adverts in the national media, Tesco are attempting to "change the conversation" about their company. True!

"The story then becomes about how they are responding rather than the issue itself. And that really is clever PR."

I think he's right.

Andrew Caesar-Gordon