Sunday 13 November 2011

We Have A Crisis - Let's Hide!

Crises are rarely singular in nature. They escalate; they often become multi-dimensional. Journalists dredge up stories you thought were history; they constantly find new angles to the story and seek to unearth more information than their competitors.

If you need evidence that when you are hit by crisis, the archiving power of Google is used by journalists to make things worse for you, have a look at this 13th November story in The Telegraph about the botulism contamination in a Premier Foods jar of loyd Grossman sauce this week:

From a single jar of Korma sauce, the story dredges up the 2005 Sudan 1 food scare which saw 350 different Premier Food products pulled from shelves and the company's recent corporate woes after a falling out with Tesco over price increases that "hit Premier's profits hard and the company's share price collapsed."

And the final line of the article?

"Premier Foods were unavailable for comment."

Andrew Caesar-Gordon